The workshop #MADEINTHEADRIATICIONIANAREA focusing on The flOod and Big firE foREst, prediction, forecAst anD emergencY management TO BE READY thematic project, financed in the framework of the INTERREG IPA CBC ITALY – ALBANIA – MONTENEGRO PROGRAMME, will retrace the results achieved and the best practices in progress in the Adriatic Ionian area of projects and operations financed by INTERREG Programmes to enhance prevention regarding natural and man-made disasters facing the climate change impacts.
Wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and the fight against climate change are the main issues tackled by the E-CITIZENS Civil Protection Emergency DSS based on CITIzen Journalism to ENhance Safety of Adriatic Basin, READINESS Resilience Enhancement of ADrIatic basiN from firE and SeiSmic hazards (INTERREG IT-HR), TRANSCPEARLYWARNING Establishment of Transnational Civil Protection EARLY WARNING System to improve the resilience of Adrion territories to natural and man-made risks (INTERREG ADRION).
The overall objective of the above-mentioned projects is to improve the EU Civil Protection Mechanism by strengthening cooperation between EU Member States and IPA countries in the field of civil protection, with a view to improving prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters.
The environmental ambition tackled by the main regional institutions acting as project partners in coherence with the Green Deal will not be achieved by European regions acting alone. The drivers of climate change and biodiversity loss are global and are not limited by national borders. The EU regions will use the influence, expertise and financial resources of the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes to mobilise neighbours and partners to join them on a sustainable path.
The first challenge will be to transfer best practices, knowledge and tools to all the main actors and stakeholders of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) focussing on North Macedonia, which has just joined the Strategy.
Resilience, innovative technologies and EU financing hypothesis will be the key words of the workshop, which also involves the participation of the main donors and international actors who support the creation of transnational networks in the field of natural hazards in IPA countries.
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