Within the thematic project TO BE READY -The flood and Big firE forest, prediction, forecAst anD emergency management, a system of early warning, announcement and management in emergency situations in case of floods and big forest fires, in the period from 25 to 28 September 2022, in Podgorica, in the wider area of Rogami and Duklja, the regional field exercise ROGAMI 2022 was conducted on the topic of responding in the event of an earthquake.
The exercise allowed testing local and national capacities to respond to earthquakes and other disasters, including alerting, mobilizing and dispatching response teams, as well as verifying procedures for receiving international civil protection teams according to the standards and methods of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. In addition to the teams from Montenegro, operational teams from the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Italy also participated in the exercise, which made it possible to practice coordination, cooperation and interoperability among the teams on the ground, as well as strengthening communication and cooperation between the main actors of the exercise. Also, this was an excellent opportunity to test the use of the multifunctional robotic system, acquired through this thematic project, in protection and rescue activities.
In addition to representatives of the Rescue and Protection Directorate, members of the protection and rescue services from the Capital of Cetinje, the municipalities of Berane, Bar, Budva, Ulcinj and Danilovgrad, the Red Cross of Montenegro, RCUD Bijela, the Association of Radio Amateurs of Montenegro and the Mountain Rescue Service participated in the exercise.
Hear a link to video describing the activities realized https://drive.google.com/file/d/102iEXoEuyZjzE-eK1c5G5_x0tcn-xMpm/view?usp=share_link
The project TO BE READY, co-funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme, is implemented in the Republic of Italy - in the regions of Molise and Puglia, Montenegro and the Republic of Albania, and is implemented by the Region of Molise (leading partner), the Department for Civil Protection of the Region of Puglia, Rescue and Protection Directorate – Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Albania, while the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Albania is an associate partner.
The goal of the project is to strengthen cross-border cooperation in the prevention of risks from natural disasters and other accidents in order to improve safety in the program area and establish cooperation between regions and countries by adopting joint strategies in case of floods and fires. The project started its implementation on April 1st, 2019 and will be implemented until December 30th, 2022. The total value of the project is Euro 5.893.686,53, of which the European Union's contribution is 85% of the total project costs. The project budget for Montenegro amounts to Euro 1.216.499,96.