In the days of April 23-24, 2022 at the headquarters of the Regional Civil Defense in Campochiaro was held the international workshop entitled "high risk health emergency in impervious environment." The workshop is part of the activities promoted by the international cooperation project To Be Ready, financed by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Program, aimed at the professional growth of operators, on a particularly heartfelt issue, such as that of maxi health emergencies in confined and impervious environments. The event stems from the technical-scientific collaboration with the National Mountain Rescue Corps -Regional Service of Molise, within the framework of the educational and practical skills that identifies it, according to Law 74/2001, as a Civil Defense structure in charge of training and medical rescue in high-risk health emergencies in impervious environments.
On April 23 and 24 at the headquarters of the Molise Decentralized Functional Center in Campochiaro, after the first day in Isernia were theatrical information were spread, the practical phases took place, with the realization of operational scenarios on which to intervene with international health operational algorithms. The overarching theme of the three days of activities is that of emergency management, and in particular of maxi emergencies and disaster medicine, a topic touched upon by the To Be Ready project, which, among other things, enabled the development of an IT platform with a component of artificial intelligence for creating event scenarios and linking standard operating procedures for intervention to them. The regional civil defense system and the 118/112 emergency service of the entire partnership have the opportunity to learn more about the subject, engage with leading experts in the field and transfer know-how to operators.
The practical phase of the workshop is oriented to the impervious and hostile environment, both related to the morphology of the natural territory (mountain, cave, gorge) and to the normally man-made territory, but made impervious by calamitous events such as floods, earthquakes, avalanches, in which health personnel are called to intervene during maxi Civil Defense emergencies. The teaching format is designed with a strongly practical connotation, involving learners in simulated scenarios and clinical cases borrowed from real events.